If you have any flu like symptoms please call before attending your appointment. Masks must be worn at all times with nose and mouth covered
2/114 Crawford Street Queanbeyan NSW
Tel 02 6297 2122
Practice Information
The doctors who work from rooms at Rutledge Family Medical Centre are independent clinicians, not employees, who each conduct their own medical practice.
As they practice independently, they set their own fees. Doctors choose the times they work and make independent clinical judgements. You can view information about their individual fees by viewing their websites, you can view them here.
Non attendance/Cancellation - If you do not attend or cancel your appointment within 4 hours of the appointment time a fee of $55 will apply. This fee must be paid before any further appointments are made
AMS Connect App - Online Bookings
Manage your Appointments with your clinician using our online booking platforms app
Prescriptions and Referrals
All clinicians require consultations for repeat prescriptions and referrals. In exceptional cases, a prescription or referral may be done without an appointment, and an administrative fee will apply.
The clinicians believe that whenever you have a test of any kind, it is important to understand how you receive the results of the test. You should talk to your GP about this. It is often best to discuss results in person, at other times your clinician may communicate your results via SMS, email or telephone.
If your GP wishes to see you they will request that you make an appointment if you have not already done so at the time of the test.
If there is an urgent need to discuss results and your clinician is away, another clinician will contact you directly.
Your clinician may send you a message offering preventative healthcare services appropriate to your needs. This is usually sent, with your permission, as a SMS or email. You may also receive reminders from national and state health agencies such as the immunisation register.
Please let us know if you do not wish to be included in these reminder systems as all patients are automatically enrolled​
Medical Certifcates
Medical Certificates cannot be backdated, they are legal documents. Your doctor will only issue a certificate for genuine medical conditions. You must haver a consultation with your doctor to obtain a certificate
Compliments & Complaints
The clinicians welcome your feedback on how to improve their services. The doctors are independent medical practitioners and are individually responsible for their clinical decisions, interactions and billing policies. Please talk to your doctor about your concerns or feedback. If you have feedback regarding our nursing staff or administrative team, please ask to speak to the manager or email manager@rutledgemc.com.au.
If you are not satisfied with the response you may contact
Health Care Complaints Commission
Locked Bag 18
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
Telephone: 1800 043 59
Email: hccc@hccc.nsw.gov.au
Patient Charter and Cultural Charter
Services facilitated by Rutledge Family Medical Centre are guided by our Patient Health Charter & Cultural Charter. All clinicians working from the clinic support these charters